Besides the pool, we spent a lot of time lounging on the sofa reading or watching DVDs. The kids were in 4 different reading programs through the varies local libraries. We went to the cinema, a couple of times. At the end of July we went to Washington, DC.

July 26, 2009

The bird that has a wart on its beak

Excuse the poor image quality. Extremely steep escalator
July 27, 2009

Swallowed by the great white

Outside the Library of Congress

The bird that has a wart on its beak
Excuse the poor image quality. Extremely steep escalator
July 27, 2009
Swallowed by the great white
Outside the Library of Congress
On July 28, we went to the Holocaust Museum, where photography are not allowed. We also went to the Space Museum.
Image taken enroute to the Holocaust Museum

Space Museum
Space Museum
We had fun in DC even though it was hot, humid & tiring. That's all for today. Will be back soon. BTW, Happy Independence Day, Malaysia.