Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Busy, busy......

I was busy researching to buy another camera that is smaller than the one I've been using. I bought an Olympus Stylus 820. I've tested it out and have come to the conclusion that pictures taken with the Stylus 820 are softer around the edge and it's not as crisp as my clunker Olympus C-740.
Olympus Stylus 820

Olympus C-740

Yipee!!!! I received my Audacity roving (Corriedale and Masham) from Carol of Black Bunny Fibers. I can't wait to spin them up and they are being queued for it.
Audacity - Corriedale

Audacity - Masham roving

The handspun yarn are in various stages of dryness. I do have some that's dried but I'm still photo editing & watermarking them. I have to go and check kiddo #1's homework and help her with her karate terms (in Japanese). She has a belt test this evening.

I'll be back later tonight if not definitely tomorrow.
Keep warm.

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