Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I've been tagged

I've been tagged by Jen with the 7 things meme.

The rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Write 7 random things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post.
4. Pass on the tag.

My 7 Things:

1.  I love spicy food.
2.  I can stand on one foot and turn the door knob or flick the light switch.
3.  I used to be active in sports and now I'm lazy to exercise.
4.  I trust my gut instinct.
5.  I'm lousy at drawing. Can only draw stick figures
6.  I don't like to waste food.
7.  I love to grow orchids but keep killing them

Now, to tag… here goes:

  1. Marianne - see her wonderful knitted kitties and felted purse
  2. Tamara - see her lovely dyework here
  3. Josette - her wonderful batts and yarn
  4. Mandie - her lovely fibre
  5. Jacki
  6. Dianne of Creatively Dyed &
  7. Gerald

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