Monday, January 5, 2009

Password, please

I watched Million Dollar Password last night. Craig Ferguson and Serena Williams were on. Craig Ferguson is hilarious. At times, he was sparring words with Regis Philbin. Craig Ferguson's also very good at giving the clues. We play a game like this with M1 and M2 at home. We called it the Word Game. We'll give them a category and 5 clues for them to solve it. Sometimes hubby is the one giving the clues and most of the time, I get the answer after the first clue. So most of the time, I'm banned from playing.

I'll be taking down the sale while watching Letterman & Craig Ferguson tonight (ETA: not tonight. I meant tomorrow night). So, go over and take a look. If you miss it, I'll be having another sale soon. I have more yarns to add (as time permits) and they are drying now. I'm in a self-reflective mode at the moment. At times I wish my brain will stop/quit analyzing. I promise not to go AWOL on you. See you soon.

2 comments: said...

The first time I saw Craig Ferguson was in the movie, Saving Grace. Very sweet and funny English film...

SewKnitNBeads2 said...

Now, I'll have to go borrow the movie from the library. Last night's episode was hilarious. Between Craig Ferguson and Richard Lewis (a former buckeye)I laughed my socks off. Thanks for the heads up on the movie. Off to Wiki....