Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I turned in both shawls. Hope that the auction, which is on Friday, goes well.Above is the Swallowtail lace shawl. Yarn is 30% silk & 70% merino.

Here's the Kiri shawl. Yarn is 50% baby alpaca & 50% fine merino

And the blooming orchids, I bought them from Lowe's on clearance. Lets hope I don't over water them.

M2 has been counting down to her birthday since March 31. She placed an order on 2 batches of chocolate mint sugar cookies for her class. I have to make sure I have enough chocolate mint chips in the freezer for M2 and M1. Also, have to remember to buy vanilla essence. I couldn't believe that I ran out of it and didn't realize. I had to abandon making scones.

Now that the shawls are done, we'll be back to regular programs.
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